The Youth Center will host the inauguaral “A Night Among the Stars Community Volunteer Event” on Feb. 9, 2013, to award philanthropic youth by recognizing and honoring their efforts to participate and engage positively in the communities that comprise their environment.
Through this venture The Youth Center seeks to elevate itself from its current role in the communities it serves, to a one-stop destination for philanthropy and volunteerism.
The Mission of The Youth Center is to transform lives one child at a time through collaborative social, educational and recreational programs.
The Youth Center’s goal is to sow seeds within the youth of the community- seeds that will grow and develop into trees that will benefit and provide the basis for our community in the years to come.
Making a difference in the lives of youth can only be deemed a worthwhile endeavor, yet when such youth becomes involved with and gives back to those from which they receive, THAT, is stellar.
The Youth Center would like to extend the invitation to non-profit organizations to participate in A Night Among the Stars by providing nominations of spectacular volunteers to be recognized at the awards ceremony.
The Youth Center will have 25 nominees who would receive certificates and letters of recommendation.
Two outstanding volunteers would be recipients of scholarships in the amount of $500 each—to be announced and presented at the awards ceremony in February.