Step inside the classrooms in our award-winning elementary school and you’ll witness high levels of academic achievement and a world-class education that is enriched by the arts and technology. Faculty and staff have created a warm environment that fosters the students’ desire to learn and develop skills that build on their unique talents and interests. But what’s happening outside the classrooms?
Drive along Seal Beach Boulevard and Marlin Avenue and you’ll notice attractive additions to McGaugh’s landscape. Artistic touches to some of the buildings have brightened the school’s exterior and begged the question, “What else can be done to make our school more attractive?”
The expanse of wire fence along Seal Beach Boulevard immediately came to mind. This chain link mass was like a blank canvas just waiting for artistic touches that compliment those on the buildings. An exciting “fence art” project was born, bringing with it the challenges of raising funds to purchase the materials and finding manpower to install them.
Enter a small group of local Realtors who understand the importance of curb appeal. Andrea Bigler, Alice Billman, Pat Hale, Jim Klisanin, Bea Kuebler, Laura Lindquist, Karen McEniry, Judy O’Neill, Sharon Russell and Viki Somlo answered the call to fund the fence project. Recognizing that the stellar reputation of our schools has a positive impact on property values, they viewed this as an opportunity to support an institution that adds value to the properties they sell.
Having overcome the funding challenge, finding manpower was next. Jyllian Rhodes (Youth Minister at St. Anne’s Catholic Church) invited members of her Confirmation Class to participate and seven classmates volunteered immediately. Karen Ferretti, Bea Kuebler and Jyllian Rhodes joined these enthusiastic, talented teens to complete the installation in less than four hours.
McGaugh students, faculty and staff returned from winter break to find a colorful addition to their Seal Beach Boulevard border. In addition to its visual appeal, thisfence project demonstrates that a strong school-community partnership benefits everyone and makes anything possible. What’s next???