Veterans Day in Seal Beach

Young Marines attend Veterans Day ceremony at Eisenhower Park in Seal Beach

Veterans, their families and fellow citizens gathered in Eisenhower Park for the annual Veterans Day Ceremony in Old Town Seal Beach on Monday, Nov. 11.

A Boy Scout plays “Taps.”

Commander Paul G. Werring, executive officer at Naval Weapons Station Seal Beach, said that one half of one percent of the nation’s population was in the armed forces, a fact that reminded him of a well-known Winston Churchill quotation: “Never was so much owed by so many to so few.”

Werring said Veterans Day did not receive the recognition it reserved. Some businesses do not observe the holiday. Many people regard Memorial Day, when the nation honors its fallen defenders, as the day to honor the sacrifices of those who serve.

Werring encouraged participants in the Veterans Day ceremony to let young people know that the military provides a viable and valueable career. “Please, also thank the spouses of veterans,” he said.

Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, center, waits to speak.

Mayor Gary Miller, wearing a tie based on the U.S. flag, also thanked the veterans. “Your service is the reason we are free and we have the most respected armed forces in the world,” Miller said.

Seal Beach Chamber of Commerce President Diana Brunjes, speaking as a young person, said her world would not be the same if not for the vets.

Congressman Dana Rohrabacher said the veterans had deterred the enemies of freedom by their service.