The day after Thanksgiving started a bit chilly, even had a little fog on the Rossmoor streets. However, that didn’t stop us.
After a quick drive around the neighborhood, families (frequently led by one or two obsessed members) were out decorating their lawns and rooftops with lights, Santas, snowmen and a reindeer or two.
The Christmas spirit is rekindled and glowing in Rossmoor – just like last year!
We kicked it off early in November with a “Holiday Light Post Santa Workshop.”
We had no idea how many people would be interested in making their own light post, like the ones on St. Albans. No idea how much materials to purchase in advance. Basically clueless, but we hoped to build at least 15 to 20 posts by day’s end.
Oops, we clearly missed, because over 60 Holiday Light Posts were ordered, and over 30 of those were built at the Rush Park 1st Annual Santa Workshop. In addition to saw horses and measuring tapes, some people even brought their kids, putting them to work on the cordless drill. I think we’re on to something here! If you drive down St. Albans, Mainway, or Christy Lane at night, you’ll see what I mean.
I’m excited. Without sounding corny, this is my favorite time of the year. When we first moved into the “hood” over 15 years ago, you could look across the grass field at Rush Park and see colored light strings shaped as a Christmas tree in someone’s front yard.
Each year in December, I looked forward to seeing that string of lights, and I would cruise around the streets looking for other well lit homes. A house on Wimbleton had lighted arches over its driveway. Two houses on Wendy Way had Santa and reindeer flying over the street. Burney Place always sparkled!
With young kids and a neighborhood of over 3,000 homes, there was no way to keep track of which houses were all decked out. That’s why we continue the RHA Christmas Lights Contest. As any winning house will tell you, they don’t enter for the money. They do it for the pleasure of making families, especially with young kids, happy when driving by, soaking in the holiday season on a chilly night. I have teenagers now, and we still enjoy hopping in the car and checking out the lights. To me, that’s what Rossmoor is all about, a community of families, making extra effort to make others happy. The Holiday Light Posts are another example of sharing that common theme.
I wish there was a better name besides “contest” but it’ll do for now. The main reason we host the event is to create the RHA “Hot Spots” Map for the RHA website. As a home owner, it’s a huge accomplishment. “Making the Map” means your home stands out, and the judges encourage holiday caravans to drive by and check out your illuminating efforts. I can’t be in the contest, but the judges designated my house on Mainway as “map worthy” last year, and I couldn’t be happier.
It’s that time of year! The Rossmoor Homeowner Association is now accepting sign ups for this year’s contest. If you can spend a little more time on the roof or spread out a little more lighted rope as ground cover, the RHA will highlight your home, and families will enjoy the view.
To enter, send your address, name and phone number to RossmoorLights@gmail.com or call (562) 343-6908. It’s not uncommon for homes to get entered by neighbors, and it’s not too late to acquire a Rossmoor Holiday Light Post of your own. Thanks for playing along, and Merry Christmas.
Chris Marshall is a Rossmnoor resident and longtime supporter of the Rossmoor Homeowners Association.