With a performance of Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” the Seal Beach Community Performing Arts Association, will officially sponsor and kick off its 2014-2015 performing arts season. “Sunday in the Park with Shakespeare” will premiere at 7 p.m. on Aug. 3, at Eisenhower Park, next to the Seal Beach pier and the ocean beyond.
The professional producing company is “Shakespeare by the Sea,” which in the last 16 years has been a presence in more than 21 Southern California cities and performed to 200,000-plus patrons. Most importantly, this cultural event is free to the public.
“The mission of the Seal Beach Community Performing Arts Association” said Esther Kenyon, the organization’s Founder and Administrator, “is to promote numerous cultural activities, including, theater, dance, music concerts, children’s opera theater, and more through an annual concert series and a “Friends of Seal Beach Arts” organization with multi-levels of memberships and sponsorships. The Friends will also conduct event fundraising in support of furthering the purpose of the Association. Management of the day-to-day activities of and responsibility for its success will be under my volunteer leadership and a Board of Directors.”
Kenyon said the premise behind establishing the association, is not only to bring cultural activities to Seal Beach and surrounding communities, but also to establish that investment in the arts and culture is creative “place making.”
“Which means not only providing arts and culture where people want to live, work, congregate and own a business but also the arts become an essential part of a community’s identity,” Kenyon said. “Further, successful creative place making builds the economy at the local level, enhancing surrounding non-arts businesses and providing job opportunities and ways for individuals to participate in activities associated with the arts and cultural events. The results bring people together and spark community pride. I’m so pleased to be able to bring new cultural activities to our community.”
Watch for the announcement of a 2014-2015 schedule of performances.
“But for now, bring your picnics, blankets, and beach chairs along with friends and family to enjoy Shakespeare under the stars!,” Kenyon said.
For more information: Visit www.sealbeacharts.org; estherkenyon@sealbeacharts.org; or call 562-429-3992.