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Tag: sea lions

Remington the sea lion is doing well at Pacific Marine Mammal...

A female sea lion came ashore in Seal Beach earlier this month. One of her human friends recently provided an update. She’s doing well. “In...

Rossmoor student is always looking for a way help

Kirsten Okamoto pushes herself to be her best, for others   While the actual job title may not be set, the occupation that Kirsten Okamoto is...

Beware of sick or injured sea lions

Last  week,  Long  Beach  Animal  Care  Services  began  getting calls from residents about sea lions coming ashore.  Since that time, more than a half...

Sea lion sighted on Seal Beach sand

On Tuesday, May 11, a caller told the Seal Beach Police Department that a baby sea lion was on the sand near 13th Sreet...