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Tag: Mutuals

Letters to the Editor: Thursday, Oct. 31, 2019

Leisure World: Mutual presidents have the power Leisure World governance is a merry-go-round. New residents to the community volunteer to be on boards without having...

Opinion: Golden Rain Foundation puts spin on Davis-Stirling

Much is being stated about Leisure World’s Mutual Two Board regarding their denial to agree to stipulate that the corporation is an association under...

Opinion: What price will we pay for rabbits in Leisure World?

Why do I feel that something needs to be done to eliminate the rabbit infestation in Leisure World? Because rabbits are primary carriers of tick...

Leisure World Mutuals set to appeal tax penalty

Seal Beach Leisure World Mutual 5 may be the first of 13 mutuals to appeal the late penalty for the retirement community’s deliquent property...

Opinion: Hold management accountable for LW tax delinquency

I am writing in response to your front page Sun article of Thursday, May 12 regarding the late payment of property taxes by Leisure...

Leisure World to pay tax penalty ‘under protest’

Seal Beach Leisure World residents won’t be assessed the six-digit penalty for late property tax payments, according to Golden Rain Foundation President Bruce Smith....

Some property taxes unpaid in Leisure World

Seal Beach Leisure World may be delinquent in paying its property taxes. Bruce Smith, president of the Golden Rain Foundation, told the Sun on Monday,...