Supervisor Moorlach ‘Updates’ constituents on 405

John Moorlach

Editor’s Note: Orange County Supervisor John Moorlach recently sent his constituents an e-mail “Update” that reproduced word-for-word an opinion posted at (And thank you for the free publicity, sir.) The introduction appears below, along with contact information for members of the the Orange County Transportation Authority Board of Directors. For the orginal Sun article, see the Opinion/Letters to the Editor section of this website.

The Honorable Michael Levitt, Mayor of Seal Beach, provides his perspectives on the San Diego (I-405) proposed expansion alternatives in this week’s Seal Beach Sun.  As his perspectives mirror mine, you may not need to send me another e-mail.  Besides, we’re already getting “Alternative Four” e-mails (and now we know why).   If his perspective does not match yours, then you know what to do.  However, if you are interested in following the good mayor’s suggestion to contact a member or two of the Orange County Transportation Authority Board of Directors, they are listed below:

·        Paul Glaab <>  – Mayor of Laguna Niguel
·        Gregory T. Winterbottom <>  – Public Member
·        Jerry Amante <>  – Tustin City Councilman
·        Patricia Bates <>  – Orange County Supervisor, Fifth District
·        Bill Campbell <>  – Orange County Supervisor, Third District
·        Carolyn V. Cavecche <>  – Mayor of Orange
·        Larry Crandall <>  – Fountain Valley City Councilman
·        William J. Dalton <>  – Mayor of Garden Grove
·        Lorri Galloway <>  – Anaheim City Councilwoman
·        Don Hansen <>  – Mayor of Huntington Beach
·        Michael Hennessey <>  – Public Member
·        Peter Herzog <>  – Lake Forest City Councilman
·        John Moorlach <>  – Chair of the Orange County Board of Supervisors
·        Shawn Nelson <>  – Orange County Supervisor, Fourth District
·        Janet Nguyen <>  – Orange County Supervisor, First District
·        Miguel A. Pulido <>  – Mayor of Santa Ana