The 23rd Annual Sunset Beach Chili Cook-Off has been postponed from Sept. 25, 2021, to a date to be determined next February because of the pandemic’s Delta variant.
“We’re sorry to postpone this popular event but we don’t want to do anything that might endanger our members, neighbors and friends,” said Dawn McCormack, Sunset Beach Woman’s Club historian.
“We’d never put fundraising ahead of public safety. We need to raise funds to pay for our fixed expenses and continue our tradition of awarding scholarships to deserving local students,” McCormack said.
“We also know that folks here are desperate to socialize and have a return to normalcy. This event is such a much anticipated, joyful local tradition which brings the community—restaurants, businesses, and people—together.”
“The Woman’s Club has been meeting in their Bayview Drive building for more than 91 years. We bought a former military structure, then cut it in half, so it would fit on the lot we purchased,” McCormack said. “It was refurbished in 1931.”
Some of the funds from the Chili Cook-Off help keep one of the oldest and most historic buildings in our community in good shape.”
You can follow the non-profit club at https://sunsetbeachwomansclub.com/index.html.