Sun’s 2012 Year in Review: February

AJ Collins wins the Mens Open Shortboard contest in the Seal Beach Surfing Championships. Photo by Terri Quinlan

As Valentines’s Day approached in the dawn of February, a mysterious activist group that opposed the development of the Bay City Partner’s site that formerly belonged to the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, hired a law firm to fight the project. The group’s membership remained unknown and no one in the town ever admitted to being a part of the group.

The seemingly always active Seal Beach Lions Club and it youth group the Seal Beach Leos Club, were in high gear as the attacked a growing problem of graffiti taggers moving into the community, The Lions and Leos aggressively attacked the problem by quickly repainting affected areas around town.

The new Fresh and Easy, self serve, grocery store began constructing its store on Pacific Coast Highway in Seal Beach in February. Meanwhile, AJ Collins, son of the late Sean Collins, won the Nebs Open Shortboard contest in the Seal Beach Seal Beach Surfing Championships. Later in the month the Los Alamitos High School Varsity Cheer Squad won the national championship title at Walt Disney World.

Some good news in Feburary surface as Los Alamitos Unified School District won honors or its academic prowess.