Summer fun at Rossmoor’s Rush Park
Are you ready for a park where the only theme is free summer family fun? Rush Park in Rossmoor is just the place you’ve been waiting for. The kids are out of school and time is back in your hands. Why not spend it relaxing under an urban forest canopy with no lines and no hassle. Join friends, family and neighbors for Movies, Concerts and Shakespeare in the Park.
The cinematic weather changes on Friday, July 18, to “Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs,” building to a fantastic finale with family favorite, “The Lego Movie” on Friday, Aug. 15.
This year the District will be partnering with The Youth Center to offer parents a Kids Night Out drop-in service during Movies in the Park.
Want culture? They’ve got that too. Shakespeare by the Sea presents “Hamlet, Prince of Denmark,” on Saturday, July 12 and Midsummer Night’s Dream on Sunday, July 13. In between you can lounge around and absorb the sounds of summer. They’ve got three exciting Friday night concerts lined up as well.
The Emperors will perform 1970s dance rock on July 25 and last but not least, the beloved Elm Street Band’s classic rock on Aug. 22.
If your child is always looking forward to going to Movies in the Park and you have a date planned or just want a relaxing night to yourself, you can have the best of both worlds this summer.
Sign your children up for the Youth Center’s Kid’s Night Out program at Movies in the Park ($15 per child and $10 for additional siblings).
Your children will be safely supervised by the Youth Center’s staff members in a VIP section at the event from 6 to 10:30 p.m. on Friday, July 18, and Aug. 15. There will be activities for the kids, along with food available for purchase. Registration is required and space is limited.
Children can enjoy arts and crafts, bounce house fun and outdoor games and activities or play on the newly renovated playground. If you don’t need supervision for your kids and want to spend the Friday night with the whole family, come to this free event in beautiful Rush Park with friends and neighbors. The Rossmoor Community Services District’s Recreation Department is hosting a fun-filled evening of Frozen themed pre-movie activities Children Pre-movie activities begin at 7 p.m.. Movies begins at dusk.
Recreation staff will be selling fresh popcorn, soda and candy for a nominal fee. You are encouraged to arrive early and bring a dinner to share with your family, blankets, low chairs and flashlights.
For additional summer special event listings, please visit www.rossmoor-csd.org or call the RCSD office at 562-430-3707. Rush Park is located at 3001 Blume Drive in Rossmoor.
For Kid’s Night Out sign-ups and info, please contact the Youth Center 562-493-4043, or online at www.theyouthcenter.org.