Stylists cut hair for Project SEEK

Avalon, Emma & Sage Homan-Muise at the Sweet 1017 Haircut-a-thon. The event raised more than $2,000 for Project SEEK. Photo courtesy of Project SEEK

A sold-out back-to-school Haircut-a-Thon sponsored by Sweet 1017 Hairdressing raised more than $2,000 for Project SEEK and sent a happy crowd of students back to school in style.

For a donation of $25 per child, students 18 years and younger were treated to a fantastic back-to-school haircut and style, just in time for the start of school on Sept. 2.

“I love the fact that we’ve had the opportunity once again to give back to our school,” said McGaugh parent Carolyn Rullo, salon co-owner with Hilary Goldner and Michelle Hetzel.

“My partners, staff, and I have been welcomed by Seal Beach ever since we first opened and we love being able to do something to say ‘thank you.’ We can’t wait for next year—it will be bigger and better!”

The professionals at Sweet 1017 Hairdressing donated all Hair Cut-a-Thon proceeds to McGaugh Elementary School’s Project SEEK, a group that raises funds for academic enrichment programs.

The salon owners offered to open Sweet 1017 Hairdressing on their day off in order to sponsor the fund-raising event.

Also joining the cut-a-thon were McGaugh parents Vicki Elvidge, owner of Serenity in Seal Beach, Gretchen Weissenberger of Serenity, Leyla Reid, a stylist at D’Aversa Salon in Long Beach, and stylists from Sweet 1017. McGaugh mom Dawn Caviola also donated a professional flat iron as a raffle prize.

Professional photographer and McGaugh dad Matt Kennedy was available at the salon to take photos of students after their hair was cut and styled.

Boutique shopping was also presented by McGaugh parents Kimmie McMahan and Jaime Lopez.

Time, talent, and proceeds from haircuts at Sweet 1017 Hairdressing were donated to Project SEEK, which supports enrichment programs for all McGaugh students, such as field trips for each grade level and instructors in the art lab and media center.