Have you been to Shipley Nature Center at 17851 Goldenwest St. of Huntington Beach’s Central Park West? There is a beautiful Nature Center that sits on 18 acres. Within this is a recently reopened Gift Store featuring 15 vendors from branded apparel to t-shirts, to hats, to tote bags, puzzles, games, stationary, jewelry, candles, original and mosaic artwork.
Barbara Coulter-Phillips, retail coordinator of Friends of Shipley Nature Center, said: “I’m humbled that Friends of Shipley Nature Center trusted me with giving their Gift Store a new, fresh look. What I like most about doing retail sales at Shipley is knowing that the proceeds go to such an amazing cause. Shipley Nature Center provides environmental education to the local community and is an ecological sanctuary where people can relax with nature.”
John Scandura, former Huntington Beach Planning Commissioner and president of Friends of Shipley Nature Center, said: “We are very excited to reopen our Gift Shop and offer quality items to customers. The proceeds from the sales go towards funding the costs of Running and Maintaining Shipley Nature Center for the benefit of our visitors and the residents of Huntington Beach.”
Melanie Bergeland, vice president of Friends of Shipley Nature Center, said: “I love the dedicated volunteers and groundskeepers of Shipley Nature Center. These people have made a selfless contribution to our city in keeping this space beautiful and open to the public. I encourage the Community to visit us. Come to read, journal, bird watch and hike. Simply relax. This place is one of the jewels in our Area.”
Former Huntington Beach Mayor Shirley Dettloff said: “I love Shipley because it is one of our best kept secrets and run by a dedicated group of volunteers. I am a part of its history, as when I was on council there was consideration of closing Shipley. It was during a time when we were having financial difficulties. I heard about it and went to our City Administrator Ray Silver and said if we could get a group of citizens to run Shipley and take care of its maintenance needs, would the Council allow it to remain. Well we called a meeting and about 30 residents came to the meeting at the library and its current history began. We formed a board of directors and worked with the city on keeping it open. And I guess if you were there yesterday, it is as lovely as ever. I also told them that they should make something of the fact that the beautiful egrets have again returned to Shipley and re building their nests to have their young.”
For more information, visit shipleynature.com or call (714) 842-4772. You can tour the Nature Center on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.