Seal Beach’s Pierce returns to Nairobi

Seal Beach resident Susan Pierce is on her way to Nairobi, Kenya, Africa again Nov. 17

She will be saving lives by feeding children and keeping children safe at the Jukumu Letu Center in the slum of Mathare in Nairobi known as the largest and most dangerous.

“We wanted to help 40 children and now have 120 that are at the Center from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. We not only feed them, we educate them in a safe place,” Pierce said.

These children (6 years old and younger) would be left by themselves with no food or security while their caretakers or mothers are out trying to find work or day labor.

The caretakers’ hovels/shacks have no running water, no indoor plumbing and no electricity. The homes are made with cardboard, corregated metal and whatever else they can find at the dump. Most have dirt floors.

Jukumu Letu is the name of the center, which translates to “Our Responsibility” in Swahili.

Polly’s Gourmet Coffee at 4606 E. Second St. in Long Beach’s Belmont Shore has again stepped up and donated 50 1-pound bags of freshly roasted coffee. We are taking donations of $20 for a one pound bag of this gourmet coffee. One hundred percent of the proceeds of the sale of this coffee will go directly to the children. We can feed a child for more than two months for this $20 donation.

She has now set up a non profit for the Jukumu Letu Center in Kenya. All donations will be tax deductible. Unlike many large non-profits, 100 percent of your donation goes to the Center. They do not take out any administration fees.

This is your opportunity to change a life or maybe save a life by donating as little as $20 for Polly’s coffee. All donations will be accepted. For more information, call Susan Pierce at (562) 301 3445 Check out the Web site at Paypal accepted at