Two Seal Beach officials have confirmed that the city is negotiating with at least one business to possibly move into the restaurant space at the end of the pier.
However, there is no actual business plan in place.
The chain link fence remains in place at the end of the Seal Beach Pier, essentially making that part of the pier closed to the public. The building that once housed a restaurant remains empty.
Director of Community Development Jim Basham said the city has been negotiating with someone to move into the pier space, but he couldn’t talk about it.
He said the city was negotiating with one business.
However, Councilwoman Ellery Deaton said the city was negotiating with more than one business.
The building that used to house a Ruby’s Diner restaurant and the area surrounding the building have been closed earlier this year while the city of Seal Beach arranged for necessary repairs of such problems as decayed plumbing and bird waste in the sub-flooring.
According to Basham, there are still repairs that need to be performed on the building, but the remaining work to be done will depend on the business plan that is submitted by whoever takes over the site.
But Seal Beach doesn’t have a business plan yet.
District 1 Councilwoman Deaton, whose Old Town District includes the pier, confirmed that Seal Beach is talking to interested parties about the pier.
Deaton said when the city finds the right fit, the city will start the final repairs, including the utilities under the pier. Deaton said officials want to make sure the city makes the right selection.