Seal Beach staff to monitor tar balls on beach

Today, Thursday, June 4, the Seal Beach Marine Safety Department has seen an increase in the number of tar balls on the beach.  The increase has been seen in isolated areas near Neptune Street and near Anderson Street in Surfside.

For now, city staff will monitor the situation. The beaches will remain open.

The City of Seal Beach has contacted the United States Coast Guard, as they are the agency responsible for all maritime incidents that involve petroleum products.  The Coast Guard has surveyed the beach and found less than one-half percent coverage of the beach, and they have taken samples of the tar balls for testing.

The Coast Guard has stated that there is no need to close the beach and suggested we let the tar balls dissipate naturally.

Seal Beach Public Works will pick up the tar balls during the daily beach cleaning operations.  An environmental cleaning company is on stand-by if the situation should worsen.

The Marine Safety Department will continue to monitor the amount of tar balls that come ashore.