At the recent regular meeting of the Grampaw Pettibone Squadron, Dec. 14, sailors from Naval Weapons Station Seal Beach were the special guests.
They had been selected by the base as Sailors of the Quarter. Those honored from the Naval Weapons Station were: Senior Sailor of the Quarter—MA1 Steven Jacks; Junior Sailor of the Quarter—MA2 Jason Turner; and Bluejacket of the Quarter—MA3 Johnathon Lewis. Other honorees came from the Navy Munitions Command Pacific CONUS West Division Unit at Seal Beach Weapons Station. Honorees were: Senior Sailor of the Quarter—LS1(EXW) Lila Dowell (not able to be present because of a required class that she was attending); and Junior Sailor of the Quarter—MN2(SW) Keith D. Young. Other persons from the base participated in the presentation of certificates and gifts from the community. Chief Master at Arms Michael Pesicka and Chief MW David Rojas introduced the sailors. Captain Noel Dahlke, commanding officer of the Naval Weapons Station, presented the certificates.
Local restaurants provided gift certificates for the sailors.
The Grampaw Pettibone Squadron thanked Seal Beach’s Avila’s El Ranchito Mexican Restaurant, Finbar’s Italian Restaurant, Glory Days Beachside Grill, Hennessey’s Tavern, O’Malley’s on Main, Rivers’s End Café, and Yucatan. In Long Beach, we thank Beachwood BBQ at 210 East 3rd St., Mimi’s at 6670 E. Pacific Coast Highway.
The squadron also thanked The Crabcooker in Newport Beach. The USAA Insurance Company presented plaques to the sailors.
The speaker for the day was the author Michelle Evans, who has written a detailed story of “The X-15 Rocket Plane, Flying the First Wings into Space.” She highlighted the story of Major Michael Adams, USAF. A review of some of his amazing flights told the story of his contribution in the elite group of test pilots working with the X-15 program. He was the only X-l5 pilot to lose his life while flying the program. His contribution was, nevertheless, quite significant.
Tim Brown is the Commanding Officer for the Grampaw Pettibone Squadron, affiliated with the Association of Naval Aviation. Monthly meetings are held at the Elks Lodge, 11551 Trask Ave., Garden Grove.
According to the squadron website, “The Grampaw Pettibone Squadron is a non-profit organization (IRS Sect. 501(C)(4) which, through meetings, discussions, speaker programs, and periodic field trips, serves to educate squadron members and the general public on the requirements of an adequate national defense, especially maritime aviation, which is essential to a free society, and to support the military professionals (active and reserve) responsible for many aspects of national defense. GPS also seeks to foster the strong pride, esprit, and fraternal bonds which exist among those associated with Naval aviation.”