Seal Beach resident and Los Al High grad dies fighting Arizona fire

Los Angeles County Fire Chief Daryl Osby speaking at press conference honoring memory of Seal Beach's Kevin Woyjeck. Councilman David Sloan is standing to his left.

Kevin Woyjeck grew up in Seal Beach, attended Los Alamitos High School and dreamed of becoming a firefighter.

Local officials honored his memory and sacrifice at a Monday, July 1, press conference held at Fire Station 44 in Old Town.

Woyjeck was one of 19 firefighters who died battling an Arizona blaze Sunday, June 30.

Fire Chief Daryl Osby said nothing came between Woyjeck and his goal of becoming a Los Angeles County firefighter.

“I’ve known Kevin most of his life,” Osby said. Osby has worked with Kevin Woyjeck’s father Joe Woyjeck in the past.

Bill Watson, director of operations for Care Ambulance Service, also knew Kevin Woyjeck. The young man worked for Care Ambulance Service as an EMT.

“In 21 years, he got a lot of life in,” Watson said.

Watson described Woyjeck as a great young man and “a bit of a prankster.”

Seal Beach Police Chief Joe Stilinovich and Councilman David Sloan, a former firefighter himself, attended the press conference but did not speak.