Seal Beach Naval Weapons Station wins award of excellence

Seal Beach Naval Weapons Station was named the winner of the 2012 Commander, Navy Region Southwest Installation Excellence Award for Small Installations on Nov. 3.

The award recognizes Navy installations for outstanding and innovative efforts to improve a wide range of factors including quality of life, efficiency, safety, and environmental sustainability.

“The awards packages reviewed this year were outstanding. It  was an exceptionally close competition,” said Rear Admiral William French, commander of Navy Region Southwest. “I applaud everyone’s professionalism and dedication to fleet, fighter and family which was evident by the superb packages submitted.”

The base and its two detachments in Fallbrook and Norco, Calif. competed against small naval installations throughout the southwest United States.

No stranger to awards recognition, in recent years the base has continuously won repeated Navy-wide awards in individual categories including housing, safety, energy efficiency, and the environment.

“I am truly proud to be associated with the outstanding sailors, civilians and contractors who make up Team Seal Beach,” said base commanding officer Capt. Terry Auberry.  “I’ve been amazed at their unparalleled dedication, and their passion for excellence and continuous improvement.   They certainly deserve this recognition.”

Naval Weapons Station Seal Beach will go on to represent the Southwest region for recognition as the best small installation Navy-wide.   That competition is scheduled to be decided by January 2012.