Seal Beach Lions recycle for sight

Seal Beach Leos Club membear Ryan Rodriguez and Willow Urquidi are ready to have people drop off their used eyeglasses to be reused by someone less fortunate. The Leos are the youth branch of the Lions Club and remain an active club in Seal Beach. Photo b

Do you ever wonder what to do with the old Prescription eyeglasses and sunglasses that you have stashed in your drawer?  If you’re not going to wear them, you could give the glasses to the Seal Beach Lions Club for their Recycle for Sight Campaign.

Throughout the month of October, the Seal Beach Lions Club is collecting unwanted eye wear for distribution to those in need both here in California and in developing countries.  Your old eyeglasses can help turn someone’s dream into a reality.

To donate used eyeglasses, place them in specially marked Lions Recycle for Sight collection bins located in Seal Beach at the Leisure World Health Center, Baytown Realty, Seal Beach Eyes, Leisure World US Bank and both the PCH and Seal Beach Blvd. locations of The UPS Store.

Lions also recycle hearing aids.   For more information, contact Lion Cathy Newton at 562 377-8955.