The Seal Beach Lions Club, fresh off serving another successful, annual pancake breakfast at the recent Seal Beach Classic Car Show, is gearing up for its annual Lions Golf Tournament.
The event tees off Saturday, June 1, at Bixby Village Golf Course in Long Beach.
“It’s a relaxed format with lots of activities on the course including a ‘blind’ putting contest using beeping balls,” said longtime Lions Club member Scott Newton. “After golf, we are returning to Seal Beach for a great Yucatan Grill catered dinner at Marina Center.”
There are only 15 spots left as the Lions are limiting the number of golfers. To sign up as an individual or foursome, contact Lion Grant Newton at (562) 537-7449 or send e-mail to grant.newton@dtsweb.com.
For non-golfers, there are hole sponsorship opportunities. All funds raised will go towards local community projects and to help the less fortunate.
In other Lions Club news:
Club Membership Dues are Due: Yes, it’s that time of year when our Seal Beach Lions Club membership dues are due. This year you can pay them on-line right here on the club website. Our new year begins under President-Elect Lindsay Safe on July 1. Dues are due by June 1.
Lions present Meet the Chief of Seal Beach Police: 7 p.m., May 15, at Khoury’s Restaurant at Alamitos Bay. New Seal Beach Police Chief Joe Stilinovich will be joining us and spending a few minutes introducing himself to our club. This is a great way for you to meet the chief and ask “appropriate” questions.
Lions Car Opportunity Drawing: At the annual Fish Fry Lions will give away a 2013 Ford Escape, a $2,000 electric Pedego Bicycle, and an Ipad. Contact Chairman Bruce Gormley mail to: btgormley@aol.com to sign up to babysit the car at the pier or to obtain tickets to sell. Sign up for the follow dates: Saturday, May 10, Saturday, May 18, Sunday, May 19. You can now purchase car tickets at meetings, at Baytown Realty.
Please remember that the tickets may sell out by the end of June.
Braille Beepball Exhibition: 12:30 to 2 p.m., Saturday, May 18. The Leo Club from the Braille Institute will be playing an exhibition Softball game against the Seal Beach Pony League’s best players. Once the Seal Beach kids dawn blindfolds to even the playing field, it makes for a pretty exciting and sometimes funny game. Because they can’t see, we use beeping balls and bases. Lion Neil Gormley (neil_gormley@yahoo.com) is handling the BBQ and Lion Todd Stegen (toddosb@aol.com) is running Beepball. You can sign up to help with the BBQ, 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m., or just show up to cheer on the players.
Lions Power Walk: 7 a.m., Wednesday Mornings at the Seal Beach pier. Join Seal Beach Lions and others for a community power walk around Seal Beach. They start at the foot of the Pier at 7 a.m. and are done within 55 minutes. If you come a few minutes late, just wait till the group gets back from the first leg to the end of the pier and back.
This is meant to provide exercise, networking and knowledge about what’s going on in town. No matter what your pace is, you will fit in. Our motto: “No Lion left behind.” Guests welcome.
Lions District Convention: May 17-19, Palm Springs. The District Lions Convention takes place in Palm Springs over the entire weekend but you can attend any portion. Details are on the District 4L4 Website or contact President Ellen Liebherr at meliebherr@verizon.net.
Braille Leo Club Dining in the Dark: 6 p.m., Saturday, June 8. The Braille Leo Club is holding a fundraising dinner at the Braille Institute.
Guests will be blindfolded during dinner and served by the visually impaired Leos and assisted by the Seal Beach Leos.
The cost is only $20. The event sold out last time and tickets are limited. For questions, contact Leo Advisor Scott Newton at scottnewton2@hotmail.com.
Installation of new Lions Officers and Awards Ceremony: 6 – 8 p.m., June 15. President Elect Lindsay Safe and her cabinet will be installed after a ceremony to recognize Lions for service in 2012-2013.
This has always been an inspirational evening with a great deal of comic relief mixed in.
The banquet includes a fabulous dinner, beer and wine. (Location: Marina Community Center) Stay tuned for details.
Lions Red Cross Blood Drive: 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., June 23, in the Bank of America Parking Lot. Save up your blood for our annual Blood Drive. This year it will be located in the B of A parking lot. (Note: Drinking establishments in Seal Beach will not serve Lions after 9 p.m. on Saturday Night, June 22 to ensure we have good blood on Sunday)
Save-the-Dates: July 10: Lions Sponsored Concert in the Park. Lions Fish Fry July 20 and 21.
For more information, contact Lion Scott Newton scottnewton2@hotmail.com.