A Seal Beach lifeguard saved a choking child on Saturday afternoon, July 2. The victim was 1-year-old.
The incident happened in a matter of seconds. Fortunately, the lifeguard remained calm and acted efficiently, according to Marine Safety (Lifeguard) Department Chief Joe Bailey.
The following is Bailey’s description of the incident in his weekly report to the city manager:
Lifeguard Derek Wiebe-Bailey (no relation to the chief) was clearing the area around his tower when a mother ran up with her child.
“The child was choking on an unknown object, and not passing air,” Bailey wrote. “Derek took control of the infant and performed back blows, dislodging the object, allowing the child to start breathing. This all happened in seconds. Kudos to Derek for performing this lifesaving maneuver.”
Lifeguard Wiebe-Bailey didn’t know what obstructed the infant’s breathing.
It didn’t matter in the end, as the child survived.
In addition to his lifeguard duties, Wiebe-Bailey is a Seal Beach Junior Lifeguard program instructor.
Wiebe-Bailey was swimming with Junior Lifeguard students Monday morning, July 11.