Seal Beach is an incredible jewel of a town.
Many call it “Mayberry by the Sea” with a deep sense of nostalgia and bygone days of Norman Rockwell images of wholesome family and America. At the same time, it has been a town of bootleggers, gambling, rollercoaster and houses of “ill repute” with ladies quite available.
As Paul Harvey, the radio commentator and conservative said, “In times like these, it helps to recall that there have always been times like these.”
Well, as the Centennial year progresses, so do the visual cues and the upcoming wave of activities. You can see the first displays on Main Street with the slogan, “Celebrating 100 years of surf, sun and fun.”
The town is getting ready with brick sales and key upcoming events like the golf tournament.
With Run Seal Beach just complete, Dekra-lite was already in position to remove the race banners and fly up the new Centennial banners.
They look both proud and festive; reminding us we are a small town and joyful, ready for celebration.
As the year progresses, more banners will go up, in every district, so all may be reminded of all the times and types of times we have had at Seal Beach.
The Centennial will only heat up just as our weather does, through the dog days of summer and into our Indian summer of October —for our true birthday as a community. For those who want a relatively rare keepsake for the Centennial, the banners will be for sale after the last major event, the Christmas Parade.
Be sure to continue to visit for more updates.
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