SBPD officer’s family raising public awareness of Tuberous Sclerosis Complex

Keith Phan is a police officer for the City of Seal Beach, and his wife Norma Vasquez is a police officer at a neighboring agency.

Their daughter Olivia suffers from a rare genetic disorder called Tuberous Sclerosis Complex. Olivia is 3 years old and has suffered debilitating seizures since she was 5 months old.

She has undergone three brain surgeries in hopes of one day stopping these seizures.

Because of how rare TSC is, Olivia was misdiagnosed four times, which led her to have detrimental seizures causing developmental delays.

Officer Phan’s family in raising awareness. The Seal Beach Police are asking the public to help them fundraise for treatment and a cure for this disease. You can donate via:

All donations go towards the TSC Alliance and are tax deductible.