SB city officials give 2013 forecast: City Manager Jill Ingram

Jill Ingram

The futures of the restaurant space at the end of the city pier and the Bay City Partners’ Ocean Place project were among the most frequently cited issues in 2013, according to a Sun straw poll of Seal Beach officials.

In related news, council and staff will hold a workshop in February to identify important issues and plan the budget for the next fiscal year.

The Sun asked City Council and Planning Commission members one question: What opportunities and challenges do you see ahead for Seal Beach in 2013?

The Sun asked the question by either e-mail or phone.

Three council members and two Planning Commission members cited the property that used to be owned by the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power as an important issue in the coming year.

The original version of this series appeared as a single article in the Jan. 17, 2013, print edition of the Sun. The web edition, the the 2013 Seeal Beach forecast is being presented as a series.

City Manager Jill Ingram

“The City Council and staff will be conducting an annual goal setting workshop in February, as was done in 2012, to identify priorities to be incorporated in the FY 2013-14 Budget,” said Jill Ingarm, Seal Beach city manager, in her initial response.

“With a challenging statewide fiscal environment, the opportunity to set priorities is important to ensuring that staff and council are in alignment about how resources will be allocated,” Ingram said.

In a telephone interview, Ingram essentially took the same position.

Ingram followed up with another e-mail that said: “Just to confirm as a follow-up to our earlier phone conversation, as well as my discussion with Mayor (Gary) Miller, council and staff discuss opportunities and challenges for Seal Beach during the annual Council goal setting workshop to identify priorities to be incorporated in the FY 2013-14 Budget.”

Ingram phoned the Sun on Thursday, Jan. 10, to discuss the question further. She offered to help the Sun in a “general way” with the survey. However, her call conflicted with a Sun deadline and further discussion was not possible at that time.

Ingram phoned the Sun again Tuesday, Jan. 15, as the Sun was preparing the print edition and, once again, time did not permit further discussion.