Fred and Tamara Cianciolo have been easy to spot recently, jogging side by side near their Old Town Seal Beach home as they train for the Huntington Beach 1/2 marathon on Feb. 2.
“We are running for a organization called YoungLives,” said Fred Cianciolo. “We are actually co-chairs for this organization.”
YoungLives is part of an international, non profit, non-denominational organization founded in 1941 for the benefit of teenagers. It is in every state and in more than 80 countries around the world. Moms typically range in age from 14 to 19. YoungLives helps and educates teenage moms and dads who have decided to raise their baby, despite the challenges of their youth.
“We also educate and mentor the baby dads to learn how to be responsible dads and men and try to stop the cycle,” Cianciolo said. “We are currently involved in Fountain Valley/Huntington Beach at a continuing high school to walk along side these teenage moms and dads and we are hoping to move into Santa Ana.
The Cianciolos have approximately 20 runners who are either doing the 1/2 marathon or the full marathon to raise awareness for teenage moms. Each is collecting funds from sponsors that will benefit YoungLives. The following is a conversation with Fred Cianciolo about YoungLives:
How long have you been involved with YoungLives?
We have been involved for a year and a half, which is when the Surf City YoungLives program began in the area, which covers Huntington Beach, Westminster, and Fountain valley
Is YoungLives a part of a network of YoungLives?
It is under the umbrella of YoungLife, which is an international, nonprofit, nondenominational organization founded in 1941 for the benefit of teenagers. It is in every state and more than 80 countries around the world.
3. How did you get involved?
My wife Tamara was asked by her friend Myrna Bittar, the 23-year-old director of YoungLives if she was interested in being a mentor for one of the teenage moms. My wife was adopted; her biological mother was a teenager when she gave birth, so my wife was immediately interested in supporting this organization.
I initially became involved with some behind the scenes duties like set up and clean up but as the program grew and some of the teenage dads began attending the monthly club meetings, a group of men (mentors’ husbands) and I started meeting separately with the dads while the girlfriends did their craft class. The male leaders and I would lead conversations on parenting and relationship skills. As trust began to build among these young dads, the sessions gave the teen dads the opportunity to share their hardships and struggles and seek support.
How many teenage mothers and dads are involved with your program?
Approximately 30 teenage moms and roughly 10 teen dads.
Which continuing high school you are involved with?
Valley Vista Continuation High School in Fountain Valley.
How does the program work?
We encourage the girls to stay in high school and help them academically so they can graduate. We model and encourage healthy relationships and provide tools for communication and conflict resolution. Mentoring relationships are the foundation of our organization as they provide the educational and emotional support and encouragement that these young girls need to be successful and productive members of society. It’s a chance to break the cycle of teenage pregnancies and make a better life for them and their babies.
About how much time do you and Tamara spend with the young parents?
We are together at monthly club meetings for about three hours. My wife Tamara and her mentee talk often and get together a few times a month to connect.
8. How do you fund YoungLives?
YoungLives is funded solely through individual donations and through fundraising efforts.
9. How did Myrna Bittar get involved with the program?
Myrna had the opportunity to volunteer at a pregnancy center in Santa Ana as a young adult and knew since that time that she wanted to continue supporting teen moms by providing education, resources, and loving support. Then a year and a half ago, Myrna had a conversation with surf city’s YoungLife Director Tom McChesney who asked if Myrna wanted to work with high school students. The Director explained that they didn’t have a YoungLives program in the area. Myrna quickly got started on implementing the program and began fundraising.
How many people mentor the YoungLives mothers and dads?
We currently have about 20 mentors and are always looking for mentors and volunteers.
If you would like to help Fred and Tamara Cianciolo fundraise please visit the following link to make a donation. http://www.razoo.com/team/Running-For-Young-Lives-Huntington-Beach
To learn more about YoungLives please click on the link below. If you are interested in volunteering for the program, feel free to email Myrna Bittar @ myrnabittar@gmail.com.