Run Seal Beach partners with tree group

Run Seal Beach is well known for giving back to the community: over $1.8 million dollars has been granted to non-profit organizations since 2003! Traditionally, we dedicate ourselves to raising funds for local organizations that promote health and fitness. It is in this spirit that we have decided we want to do even more! Run Seal Beach is excited to announce our new partnership with Trees Not Tees.

Trees Not Tees is an amazing environmental organization who is ready to give YOU the chance to make a difference for our environment just by registering for our race! This year, when registering for Run Seal Beach, you will have the option to choose between a traditional race t-shirt or planting a tree in lieu of a shirt. Trees Not Tees is helping event organizers and registrants give back to the environment.

Run Seal Beach understands the love of our annual t-shirts, but we also know that sometimes they can get left in the back of a closet! Trees Not Tees wants to help those who would rather put the resources of making a t-shirt towards rebuilding our environment. Do you know how much water you drink in 2.5 years? Imagine it. That is how much water it takes to make one cotton t-shirt! Planting trees helps lower water usage and decreases carbon dioxide levels in our atmosphere. Trees Not Tees currently has four forest sites in the United Kingdom and plans to begin planting trees in the United States in 2022.

Run Seal Beach is proud to be partnering up with Trees not Tees to give you, and ourselves, another way to help our cherished community and our planet. Thank you for your continuing support of Run Seal Beach and we hope to see you on Saturday, March 19th! Register for the kid’s 1K fun run, the 5K walk, the 5K run, the 10K run TODAY at and for more information on Trees Not Tees, please visit