As his final act as president for the 2017 term, Director Michael Maynard presented the 2017 State of the District address at the Tuesday, Jan. 9, meeting of the District’s Board of Directors. The address focused on the financial, technological and operational accomplishments of the District, as well as important community issues over the past year.
Director Maynard discussed the state of the District’s finances. He noted that the RCSD Board had been very proactive in initiating and implementing several actions in an effort to maintain and enhance the excellent quality of life of its citizens. This past year the Board focused on maintaining a strong fiscal position, reducing operation costs, increasing reserves, and updating the District’s five-year fiscal plan.
“Current projections estimate that we will close out our current FY 2016–2017 budget with our strongest cash position in years,” said Maynard. We had the good fortune of transferring $93,500 of savings to our budget into our reserve account. This raises our reserve level to an astounding $833,116.” In November the RCSD Board of Directors received an unmodified audit report from our auditors with no management findings. This is the highest independent audit result that a Community Services District can achieve. This was the fourth consecutive year the RCSD has achieved these outstanding results.
The RCSD Board was responsive to a variety of community issues and was active in opposing the LA Fitness Club Proposal to build a 37,000 square-foot fitness center in the Shops at Rossmoor parking lot. With tremendous community support, the project was defeated by the Seal Beach City Council. The board also opposed, by resolution, the removal of the Foster Road Bike Route parking restrictions, currently under consideration by the County Public Works Department Traffic Division. Community safety, especially for children is top priority for the district.
Rossmoor continues to have a low crime rate and takes great pride in having a safe community; thanks to the Orange County Sheriff’s Department who provides public safety for our citizens. RCSD installed 26 LED streetlights on Montecito Road, replacing incandescent units to improve safety and security along that corridor, as well as six walkway security light poles at Rossmoor Park, which had experienced major corrosion damage. Our maintenance division completed 16 additional projects, attributed to long-term wear and use of our facilities.
The District is fortunate to have an excellent working relationship with the Los Alamitos Unified School District, one of the finest educational institutions in the state, in which four of their elementary schools are within the community of Rossmoor.
The Recreation Department has creatively cut costs while enhancing services. Summer Events like the combined Concert/Movie in the Park and Shakespeare in the Park attract an average of 1,500 residents per event. In partnership with The Los Alamitos Youth Center, RCSD provides a full range of activities for hundreds of youth during summer months and after school hours. The Tennis program was expanded by adding another tennis instructor at Rossmoor Park increasing the instructional opportunities for children and teenagers. Three new fitness training groups were also added this past year. It is our aim to get more of our community out of their homes and into active lifestyles.
Maynard highlighted the colossal success of the Third Annual Rossmoor Winter Festival held at Rush Park. Over 3,500 residents enjoyed an evening of outstanding music, entertainment, food, snow, petting zoo, trolley rides, reindeer, and of course, Santa. He gave special thanks to Title Sponsor Chamberlain Real Estate, as well as all the volunteers and staff, for helping to make this outstanding holiday event a success. RCSD continues to achieve results with innovative, cost effective and successful event marketing and promotions. The record-breaking attendance at this year’s Winter Festival is evidence that our outreach to the community is working.
The District continues to invest in the maintenance and upkeep of its parks and facilities with the installation of the Rush Park Playground Area Canopy and the Kempton Mini-Park demonstration garden. This demonstration garden has greatly enhanced the park with beautification elements and an educational component on drought resistant planting for the community.
Great strides were also made in the technology arena this year. The RCSD main website was upgraded to be in full compliance with the latest government agency transparency requirements. The website’s reservation portal and Rossmoor Winter Festival websites were also upgraded. Online Tennis and Picnic Area Reservation and Payment Infrastructure are in place and scheduled to launch this January 2018. E-blasts have been sent out with instructions on how to create an online account. We look forward to offering this convenience to the public.
“As we conclude the 2017 calendar year and launch into 2018,” said Maynard. “I’d like to express my appreciation to the entire Rossmoor Community Services District Board of Directors for their support and active participation in guiding us through a very challenging and exciting year. Our fiscal position is strong, our community’s low crime and high quality of life continues to increase Rossmoor’s desirability and property values. Lastly, big thanks to our General Manager James Ruth and our excellent District Team, who constantly puts our community first in all they do both now and in the future. Thank you for the privilege of serving as your Board President this past year.”