Furry Tails
Our beloved Roman came to us after receiving a call from some animal lovers feeding a pack of feral dogs abandoned on property in Riverside county. Roman was the only dog left, after several tragic events, and they feared for his safety. So he was trapped and brought to the shelter.
Your frightened face peeked out from under the blanket covering the trap. In the beginning, you only felt safe staying in your open crate whenever anyone entered your run. Eventually with much love and perseverance, volunteers and kennel attendants were able to get you to walk on a leash in the play yard (later on some walks outside) and accept human touch.
Then came the pairing with our shy boy Jax. Together the two lived in harmony. Hesitant of new things, you were there for each other. You finally felt at home. Your quirky ways could always make us laugh: how you put your paw over the leash if you didn’t want to go for a walk, your spurts of energy, best of all, always the ladies man, you had a pep in your step following any female dog in heat on a walk.
Sadly cancer took you from us a few days after Christmas. You will be greatly missed by all, especially Jax. Not having a mean bone in your body and with soulful eyes, you won us over.
Run free without pain where your pack is waiting for you. Tell them about the wonderful life you lived, and how you brought joy to everyone around you.
From all of us whose lives you touched, you will never be forgotten.
We love you forever, Roman.