Each year Project SEEK hosts “The Event,” which is the group’s largest fundraiser. Usually a night of dancing and in-person fun, this year it’s going virtual. This year’s event will be held 7-9 p.m., March 19.
There will be live and silent auction items from our local businesses.
Every year, for the past 28 years, Project Seek has taken on the challenge of raising enough money to fund programs teaching students art, science and innovation and computer skills at J.H. McGaugh Elementary, the only public school in Seal Beach.
That includes enough money to fund three teaching positions and all of the supplies for the Art Lab, Innovation Lab and Sea Lion Lab/Media Center.
Thanks in large part to the amazing Seal Beach community, parents, and local businesses, Project Seek has been able to ensure that these essential programs that distinguish McGaugh from other schools, have been able to continue.
This year has brought added challenges with the pandemic. However, Project Seek’s parent volunteers have continued to think outside the box to keep programs funded. An Ugly Sweater-themed Virtual Bingo Night had the talented McGaugh Principal, Dr. Issaic Gates, as the M.C. and was enjoyed by young and old.
Last month, a virtual art lesson led by McGaugh’s wonderful art teacher, Ms. Sara Brim, had students drawing self-portraits which they proudly displayed.
McGaugh Elementary students have been exceptionally lucky during this past year of virtual and hybrid learning to continue to have access to these excellent STEM programs. The wonderful lab teachers, who are funded through Project Seek’s fundraising, continue to challenge our students with creative lessons that increase problem solving skills, creativity and a growth mindset across all subject areas.
Project SEEK would like to thank “The Event” Sponsors: Beach City Jewelers, Ferguson Realty, Fresh Cut Creative, Lakewood Orthodontics, London Boat Rentals, The Pincek Family, Automotive Excellence, US Bank & Humblemaker Coffee.
For more information, visit https://tinyurl.com/the-event-2021.