The local South Coast National League of Young Men organization focuses on empowering high school age young men with their moms to learn about Service, Leadership, Protocol, and Culture. The mission of our organization is so important in these trying times. Moms leading by example and teaching our young men the importance of leading to accomplish good deeds, offering one’s time and service to help those in need, practicing protocol and good manners, and expanding themselves through new cultural experiences to help create a new generation of movers and shakers.

This past holiday season, our moms and young men worked together to support four local, non-profit organizations by building 104 bikes for foster care children at Olive Crest, collected family games as gifts to local families for Summer Harvest, shopped for holiday gifts for We Care families to make their Christmas memorable and special, and distributed food to the community through Heart of the City. The lessons of giving to support others both resonates and builds character for our local Young Men and Moms in our community.
The South Coast Chapter of NLYM was established in our community in 2015 by local moms to strengthen the bond between mother and son before heading off to college. We continue to grow and expand helping young men to learn the importance of giving and leading as they move forward in the world. Membership for our 2021-2022 program has begun. If you are interested in information about our program, please email membership@nlymsouthcoast.org or go to our website at www.nationalleagueofyoungmen.org.