Police Department launches Lock It Or Lose It Campaign

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The Seal Beach Police Department has announced the  Lock It or Lose It awareness campaign, providing the  community with easy tips  that could help prevent vehicle break-ins.

It seems obvious to lock your car  when it is left  unattended, but  a large percentage of thefts from vehicles in Seal Beach involved UNLOCKED vehicles.  By  simply locking your car, and removing valuables, you can help deter potential criminals from targeting your property.

“As we enter the busy holiday shopping season, it is more important than ever to remove your values and lock your cars,” said Chief of Police Philip L. Gonshak. “Criminals often look for easy targets, and when they notice valuables in plain sight in your car, they will  often try  the  door handles.  If the  car  is unlocked, the  criminals can be in and out  in seconds, and your property is gone.  We  want to remind the  community to ‘lock it or lose it.’”

During the  next several weeks, officers and volunteers from the  Seal Beach Police Department will  increase patrols in shopping centers and residential areas.  Signage will be  installed in retail areas to help remind the  public to Lock It or Lose It.

The Seal Beach Police Department offers the  following tips  to help prevent you from being a victim:

• Park in well-lit areas.

• Close windows and the  sun-roof.

• Gather all valuable items such as  sunglasses, electronics, wallets, and shopping bags.  Identity thieves can use your personal documents to open credit card accounts, lease vehicles, or secure a loan or mortgage without your knowledge.

• Double check that you locked your vehicle, before you walk away.

• Take all your keys with you. Avoid leaving cars running with keys in the  ignition, even if the  car  is locked. Don’t keep a spare key  in a spot hidden on  your vehicle.

• If you must keep valuables in the  car, lock these in the  trunk or out  of sight prior to arriving at your destination. Criminals are  more likely to break into your car  if they notice you placing valuables within them once you are  parked.

For  more information, follow the  Seal Beach Police Department on  Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter @sealbeachpolice.