The May 15 Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on a request to reconstruct a service station at 1300 E. Pacific Coast Highway, according to a legal notice published in last week’s Sun.
That’s the current location of the Chevron Station at PCH and 13th Street. The station would include a convenience store.
The Planning Commission meeting starts at 7 p.m.
The applicant is Travis Companies, Inc., on behalf of the property owner, G&M Oil Company, Inc.
The applicant is requesting a conditional use permit for the reconstruction project. The applicant is also, according to the notice, requesting a zoning change at 328 13th Street and 324 13th Street.
The applicant is also requesting a variance to:
• Reduce the minimum side area to 13,777 square feet.
• Reduce the minimum street frontage to 100 feet.
• Reduce the minimum rear setback to 10 feet.
• Reduce the minimum distance between curb cuts to 14 feet.
• Expand the maximum driveway width to 45 feet.
• Reduce the pump island setback to 19 feet.
According to the notice, this project required review under the California Environmental Quality Control Act.
“The City, as Lead Agency under CEQA, prepared an Initial Study of environmental impacts,” according to the notice.
“Based on the findings of the Initial Study, the City has determined that the Project would not result in potentially significant impacts and proposes the adoption of a Negative Declaration for the above-cited project,” according to the notice.
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