The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on the proposed remodel of the gas station on PCH on Monday, Aug. 21.
Planners will also look at a permit request for a dermatology clinic, according to the legal notices that announced both hearings. The notices were published in last week’s Sun.
Gas station
Planners will hear requests for:
• The rebuilding of the gas station at 1300 E. Pacific Coast Highway. The project would include a convenience store. This will require a conditional use permit.
• Changing the zoning at 328 13th St. from residential high density to commercial.
• A variance (exemption) from the city’s service station requirements.
• A reduced site area (a reduction from 22,500 square feet to 13,777 square feet).
• Variances allowing reduced front and rear setbacks.
• A reduced distance between curb cuts.
• A reduced pump island setback.
• An expanded maximum driveway (from 25 feet to 45 feet).
The proposed remodel is a separate matter from the environmental case at the site of the gas station.
Planners first looked at the proposal in May. At that time, residents on 13th Street were concerned about a number of issues, including the narrow one-way street, the possibility of crime, and fears the convenience store would eventually become a 24-hour store that sells alcohol.
Commissioners will also hold a hearing on a request for a permit to allow a medical/dermatology clinic on Seal Beach Boulevard. According to the legal notice, the existing building only requires minor changes.