Part of an ongoing series.
A handful of people responded to an unscientific Sun social media survey on how the Seal Beach Pier restrooms might be improved. Suggestions included an adopt-a-restroom program and signage to notify the public about the city’s upcoming pier renovation project.
As previously reported under the contract between Seal Beach and Golden Touch Cleaning Services, Inc., the pier restrooms will be cleaned from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturdays and Sundays, starting last Friday, Sept. 17, 2021, until May 15, 2022. After that, the porter service for the pier and First Street restrooms will again clean the restrooms seven days a week.
As of Monday, Sept. 20, the Sun received five replies to an informal survey about the Seal Beach Pier restrooms. Two more individuals chimed in on Tuesday, Sept. 21.
The Sun on Sept. 16 posted the following question at four locations on two social media platforms: “On the record, for possible publication in the print and online editions of the Sun News, what would you do about improving the pier restrooms between now and the time those facilities are renovated?”
One person “liked” the question posted on the Seal Beach Business Development Group page, but no one offered a comment.
The replies have been lightly edited for minor punctuation errors but are otherwise presented here as they appeared.
Steve Miller wrote: “Automatic flush sensors.”
Earick Ward wrote: “Sweep, pressure wash, flypaper, Air Freshener.”
Rita Strickroth wrote: “Post a sign saying our restrooms will be totally renovated so visitors don’t leave our City thinking they are disgusting and the City doesn’t care.”
Deidre Gaffney wrote: “Can we start an ‘Adopt a Restroom’ program the way we do an adopt a highway? Maybe with a sandwich board out front saying, ‘This clean restroom brought to you by … ’ ”
Heather Cecola wrote: “So sorry but if anyone has seen the restroom on 1st street it is waaaay [sic] worse than the pier. Honestly appalling, but yes both are yuck[y]; I think regular cleaning is key and adding automatic sanitizer would help tremendously.”
Crystal Bushinsky wrote: “We need hired attendants.”
Matt Fish wrote: “A better question would be what’s that plan while their being renovated?”
The Sun visited the men’s room under the pier last weekend. (The female staff member helping to report on the piers was unavailable last weekend.)
No graffiti was present inside the largest stall in the men’s room on Friday, Sept. 17, Saturday, Sept. 18, and Sunday, Sept. 19. Visits took place Friday morning, late Saturday afternoon, and mid-morning on Sunday.
The knob that was missing from the rusty door bolt the previous week was still missing this past weekend. (This time the reporter did not bolt the door so he wouldn’t have to work back the bolt in order to leave the disabled-access stall.)
The bolt on the door of the middle stall was also rusted, but the bolt in that stall has a knob.
It was not possible to access the third stall, the one nearest the urinals, on Sunday. However, graffiti was present on the interior of the door of the third stall on Friday, Saturday, and Monday morning, Sept. 20.
For the results of an online poll question about public use of the pier restrooms, see page 6.
Next week: an update on the pier renovation project.