Hit: Just heard that the Seal Beach Lions Club is now the largest in North America, numbering almost 400 members. And they are workers, because they have an abundance of projects in our area.
Hit: John Marx, who lives on Electric Avenue in Old Town, is a retired firefighter. When there was a fire recently in the house next door, John jumped into firefighting mode, grabbed a fire extinguisher and put it out. Then the real firefighters arrived, but John had taken care of it.
Miss: My Italian Kitchen on Main Street is no longer open for lunch during the week. They will now open at 4:30 p.m. on weekdays.
Hit: It seems another surf store is coming to Seal Beach. I hear Rip Curl is moving into the old Fresh and Easy building on Pacific Coast Highway, right around the corner from Harbour Surfboards.
Miss: It isn’t technically in Seal Beach, but the corner of 2nd Street/Westminster Boulevard and Pacific Coast Highway is undergoing a major renovation. Expect five-story buildings and horrific traffic if the plan makes it through the Long Beach City Council and the Coastal Commission. Since it’s so close to us we need to be paying attention. That intersection is a complete nightmare now, can’t imagine it being worse. City officials say they are watching the project closely and sending staff to hearings to represent Seal Beach’s interest. It’s kind of like how Rossmoor residents feel about LA Fitness – the vote in Seal Beach effects Rossmoor. And now, how Long Beach votes on the 2nd Street project will surely have some effect on Seal Beach.
Have anything in Seal Beach you consider a hit or a miss? Send your submissions to editor@sunnews.org or drop them by 216 Main St. attn.: Editor.