opinion: District 1 summer update

Ellery Deaton

I hope your summer is going well and you are enjoying all that beach life has to offer. Here are some summer happenings:

New Pier Cleaning Machine

Finally, we have a way to clean the Pier!  If you haven’t been to the pier lately, take a stroll and check out the difference the new machine has made.  The pier is now regularly cleaned with the new machine which is approved by the State of California Regional Water Control Board.

Beach Safety

After a day at the beach with my grandson, I was reminded again how important it is to pass on beach safety to our children.  Teaching our children a few simple safety lessons will keep them safe at the beach.

1.  Always swim with a buddy.

2.  Swim near a lifeguard.

3.  Observe the signs and swim away from the wind surfers.

4.  Shuffle your feet upon entering the water to scare away sting rays.

5.  Never dive head first into the surf.

Safety means no accident and that’s important to all of us!


In memory of the victims and the families left behind, the Memorial Committee recommended a Memorial site and design to the Parks and Recreation Commission.  The Commission unanimously approved the plans as did the City Council. Now the fundraising begins to fund the tasteful Memorial in Eisenhower Park near the far west driveway leading down to the parking lot.  The Memorial will be a dignified seating area overlooking the beach and the pier so all can enjoy the view in a quiet and meditative environment.

Emergency phone number

Now that so many no longer have land line phones, it is very important to know that if you dial 911 from your cell phone you most likely will not be connected to our local Dispatch Center causing delays in service.  In case of emergency, use a land line and dial 911, if possible.  If it is not possible to use a land line, then you may call the Dispatch Center directly from your cell phone: (562) 594-7232. Please program this number into your cell phone for Seal Beach emergencies.

Taking Care of our Animals in Seal Beach

Being kind to animals and caring for them is important to all of us.  It is most important for the safety of both animals and people that dogs are kept on leash.  Also, tying up dogs unattended is dangerous for the animal and for those who pass by.  Often there is no water left for the dog and it can be very hot and distress the animal.  Animal Control will be on the lookout for dogs off leash and dogs which are tied up and unattended.

Pier Improvements

Once the repairs are completed the fence will come down and the building put up for rent.

The City has begun pier improvements and the end of the pier is fenced off while these repairs are made.  There are three projects in the Capital Improvement Program for the pier. Those projects are 1) Pier Decking, 2) Pier Utilities, & 3) Pier Structural Improvements.  The City is also making health and safety repairs to the pier restaurant.

Main Street Lighting Project

Watch for the new lights to begin being put in the day after Labor Day.  Summer season will officially give way to “Back to School” and the down time will be used to put in “old fashioned” double headed lights that are similar to our Pier lights. The new lights will have a solid cap on them which will prohibit light from shining up at the sky so they illuminate the sidewalk and the storefronts, but not the sky allowing us to limit the light pollution that keeps us from seeing the stars.  Main Street will soon be safer to walk, more charming to visit and beautiful to look at.   The new lights will be both energy efficient and below the tree canopy making Main Street well lit while maintaining a dark sky.

Coffee at Bogarts

To encourage those who aren’t able to come to a Coffee Chat during the week, I’ll again be meeting at Bogart’s Coffee House from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 24. Come and discuss Old Town and Surfside with me.

Ellery Deaton is the Seal Beach City Councilwoman for District 1 (Old Town and Surfside).