Local and congressional representation will occupy Seal Beach officials in the weeks ahead.
Next week the Seal Beach City Council will hold the first of four hearings on redrawing council districts. During these hearings, the council will take public comment on the boundaries of all five council districts. The district borders may be redrawn based on the 2020 Census.
Members of the public can email comments and questions to City Clerk Gloria Harper at gharper@sealbeachca.gov.
As previously reported, Councilman Moore has called for Seal Beach to keep its current Congressional representation. A resolution on that topic is expected to be on the Dec. 13 council agenda.
Seal Beach goes to OC
District One in January
In related news, Seal Beach will be represented by a different supervisor starting next year. The Board of Supervisors recently redrew the Orange County district map, relocating Mayberry by the Sea into the First Supervisorial District.
“Starting in January the Supervisor responsible for Seal Beach will become Andrew Do, but I’m always available to provide support when needed,” wrote Supervisor Katrina Foley in a recent email.
Council to reorganize for next year on Dec. 13
Next week’s council meeting will be the last one of the year. The Seal Beach council will have to take care of a lot of business before calling it a year—including select a new mayor. In Seal Beach, voters pick the council members and the council picks the mayor from among their ranks. The mayor runs council meetings.
Council to look at user fees on Dec. 13
User and regulation fees for city services will be on the Monday, Dec. 13, Seal Beach City Council agenda, according to a recent legal notice. The virtual council meeting is set to start at 7 p.m. Documents on the proposed fees are available on the city website, according to the notice.
For information about the fees, call Finance Director/Treasurer Kelly Telford at (562) 431-2527.
Council to look at continuing virtual meetings
Also expected on the council agenda will be a resolution to continue having virtual council meetings. The resolution has to be passed every 30 days for Seal Beach to continue to have virtual (rather than in-person) council meetings.