Editor’s note: If you have a question about a city issue—or a suggestion for filing a Public Records Act request—email Associate Editor Charles M. Kelly at editor2@sunnews.org.
No update on Navy land commercial development
Some of you may remember that the Naval Weapons Station Seal Beach was looking at leasing 9.27 acres of land at PCH and Seal Beach Boulevard.
“The Request for Interest period for the Commercial Outlease Initiative ended in late October, and the Navy is currently looking at the responses received and determining next steps,” wrote Gregg Smith, public affairs officer for the base.
“I do not have a date for when a decision would be made,” Smith wrote.
Back in April 2020 (which seems so, so long ago now), Smith said the base was not considering residential use of the land.
At the time, Smith said the fence line would be moved back.
Speaking of Navy news, the ammo pier project continues. See the photo.
Some counties seek regional separation
Public CEO (a website devoted to helping public officials keep abreast of issues relevant to managing their agencies) reported this week that they will ask the state to carve them out of the Southern California region recently created by Gov. Gavin Newsom’s regional stay-at-home order. The stay-at-home order went into effect in regions established by the state government when the availability of ICU beds in those regions drops to less than 15%.
The Sun is working on the year in review
What do you think were the most important stories of 2020? Email Editor Ted Apodaca at editor@sunnews.org or Associate Editor Charles M. Kelly at editor2@sunnews.org.
Chamber networking breakfast today
The Seal Beach Chamber of Commerce Virtual Networking Breakfast is scheduled to be held at 8 a.m., today, Thursday, Dec. 10. The topic: “Small Business HR Laws for 2021 You Need to Know.”
Save Our Beach cancels beach cleanup
Save Our Beach holds monthly beach cleanups, staging in the First Street beach parking lot. The group has cancleed the Dec. 19 cleanup event “due to the shutdown and stay at home orders in Orange County,” wrote Karen Ferretti for the board of SaveOurBeach in a Dec. 8 email.
“We hope to return in January and we hope to see you there! Don’t let our cancellation deter you from cleaning up your own neighborhood and streets, as we see many Seal Beach residents doing. That would be the best present you could give our community. Thank you,” Ferretti wrote.
Fishing line update
In October, we reported that the city was expecting to install recepticles for the fishing lines left on the Seal Beach Pier by the end of November.
Sure enough, District Two Councilman Thomas Moore reported the work had been done in a late November newsletter to his constiutents.
“The City worked with Hayden Vega, a high school intern with the Orange County Coastkeepers and an avid fisherman. He initially approached the City with a proposal to install fishing line recycling receptacles on the Pier. Hayden was been instrumental in assisting staff in the design and strategic placement of the five new fishing line recycling receptacles along the pier,” Moore wrote.
You can contact City Hall. Here’s how
Even before the second lockdown went into effect in Southern California, Seal Beach City Hall was closed to the public. Where possible, work with the public is behing handled by telephone and email. Where in person service is necessary, appointments can be scheduled in advance.
Tuesday morning, Dec. 8, a frustrated reader called asking for help in reaching someone at City Hall.
If you’re not sure who to call or email, the city provides an email to “Ask City Hall,” which is AskCityHall@sealbeachca.gov.
You may also contact your council reprepresentative or the city manager. If you don’t know what council district you live in, email the mayor.
Their contact information is:
• City Manager Jill Ingram
Email: jingram@sealbeachca.gov
Office: 562-431-2527 X1300
• Schelly Sustarsic – 2020 Mayor
District Four (College Park East and Town Center)
Email: ssustarsic@sealbeachca.gov
Office: 562-431-2527 x1504
• Joe Kalmick – 2020 Mayor Pro Tem.
District One (Old Town and Surfside Colony)
Email: jkalmick@sealbeachca.gov
Office: 562-431-2527 x1501
• Thomas Moore
District Two (Leisure World, College Park West and Rossmoor Center)
Email: tmoore@sealbeachca.gov
Office: 562-431-2527 x1502
• Mike Varipapa
District Three (Hill, Coves, Bridgeport & Heron Pointe)
Email: mvaripapa@sealbeachca.gov
Office: 562-431-2527 x1503
• Sandra Massa-Lavitt
District Five (Leisure World)
Email: smassalavitt@sealbeachca.gov
Office: 562-431-2527 x1505