A scoping meeting about the Old Ranch Country Club project is set for 6 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 22, in the City Council Chambers. Old Ranch and College Park East are located in City Council District Four. (For a look at the proposed site plan, see below)
In related news, the public has until March 7 to comment on the initial study for the proposed property development project. (In July 2022, the City Council unanimously approved an agreement with Psomas to work on the environmental impact report for the project. According to a July 2022 staff report, Old Ranch would reimburse the city for the project. The contract was for $238,393, with the city manager authorized to approve up to 15% more in “contingency spending”.)
The Country Club has proposed a new specific plan that would allow for significant development of the land if the City Council approves the request.
Old Ranch is currently zoned for recreational golf, according to another notice of the scoping meeting.
According to a Jan. 26 notice announcing the Feb. 22 scoping meeting, the proposed project would include:
• a 116-unit, four-level multi-family housing development;
• a 51-unit three-level senior housing complex;
• a 25,340 square-foot medical office (that would be part of the senior housing complex);
• a 150-key overnight accommodation facility;
• a three-level parking garage with 591 parking stalls and four tennis courts on the top;
• and a new clubhouse swimming pool.
As for the Draft EIR for the project, another notice reports that the document is expected to be available for public review in the summer of this year. When it is released, according to the notice, there will be a 45-day comment period. After that, the Seal Beach Planning Commission will hold a public hearing and make a recommendation to the City Council.
As for the current comment period for the initial study for the project, comments may be emailed to Planning Manager Shaun Temple at stemple@sealbeachca.gov.
Copies of the “initial study/notice of preparation” are available at:
• the Mary Wilson Library branch
• the Los Alamitos-Rossmoor Library branch
• and at www.sealbeachca.gov/Departments/Community-Development/Planning-Development/Environmental-Documents-Under-Review.
Old Ranch Country Club covers about 155.5 acres of land, according to one of the scoping meeting notices.
Tell the Sun what you think about the Old Ranch Country Club development project.