No decision yet on Los Al medical center expansion

Los Alamitos City Council members questioned plans for expanding Los Alamitos Medical Center at the agency’s Tuesday, Jan. 18 meeting. After six hours of discussion, the council voted to continue the matter to a future meeting. The meeting ended at 1 a.m., Wednesday, Jan. 19.

According to the staff report on the Medical Center expansion, the project will take place over 25 years.

According to the staff report, streets and intersections around the Medical Center from Cerritos Avenue in the north to Katella Avenue running along the southern border would be improved to handle increased traffic.

Kaylor Street would become the main entrance to the expanded medical campus, with a new traffic signal and a deep left turn pocket eastbound.

Council concerns

Councilman Troy Edgar asked for a demonstration of Tenet Healthcare Corporation’s fiscal commitment to the project. Tenet is Medical Center’s parent company.

Councilwoman Marilyn Poe asked: “Why so long? Why not 15 years?”

Street improvements along Katella Avenue came under fire. Councilwoman Gerri L. Graham-Mejia disliked a raised median that would prevent left turns to and from Maple Street. Council wanted staff to verify unambiguously the title status of Kaylor Street, as the proposal calls for the city to vacate that roadway north of Katella Avenue while retaining an easement for utilities.

Community comments
Medical Center doctors asked the council to approve the expansion proposal.

Members of the local business community argued that the Medical Center draws visitors to Los Alamitos and asked the council to approve the project.

At 1 a.m., by unanimous vote, the proposal was continued to a future meeting. Staff will post questions on the city’s Web site ( as soon as possible. Staff will bring answers back to the next regular Council meeting on Feb. 7.