McGaugh Kindergartener Ruben Fenton, 6, won a drawing contest held by Run Seal Beach for the design of this year’s Kid’s Fun Run T-shirt.
Ruben is the middle child of three siblings and is known to be a kind and helpful brother. He loves to draw and write in his journal when he is not out hunting bugs. This was his first year to enter the annual t-shirt design contest, so he and his family were thrilled and surprised to hear that his artwork had been selected by the Run Seal Beach t-shirt design committee as this year’s winner.
The committee received many entries this year from children attending elementary schools within the Los Alamitos School District. Young artists were asked to depict this year’s Fun Run theme, “Silly Sammy, running is for kids!” Heidi Vinatieri, who is serving as the Kid’s Fun Run Chair for the first time this year, announced the winner of the kid’s t-shirt contest last week during an assembly at McGaugh Elementary School. “I want to thank all of the parents, teachers, and principals in the District who helped put on our t-shirt design contest this year, especially McGaugh Principal Mrs. Ellis,” said Vinatieri.
As the winner of the contest, Ruben’s design will be lightly embellished by a graphic artist and displayed on the front of the Kid’s Fun Run t-shirts this year. In addition, he will get to host a private pool party for his family and friends this Summer at the McGaugh swimming pool. On race day, Ruben will have the opportunity to either run with his fellow Kid’s Fun Run runners or head up the Fun Run in the start car with Sammy, the Seal!
Also proudly displayed on the Kid’s Fun Run t-shirts will be the logo of the official sponsor of the Kid’s Fun Run, Platinum Sponsor, G&M Oil Company.
Upon completion of the Kid’s 1K Fun Run, young runners will be funneled into the Kid’s Fun Zone, a safe and fun environment with lots of volunteers, face painting, balloon hats, crafts, games and best of all…popsicles, courtesy of Cold Stone Creamery on Main Street in Seal Beach. The Fun Zone gives parents the opportunity to run in the 5K or 10K race with the knowledge that their kids are being watched over and having a great time.
When asked what drew the t-shirt design committee to Ruben’s artwork, Michelle Samuelson, Chair of the Kid’s Fun Run for the past 8 years, prior to handing off the baton to Heidi this year replied, “It was a tough decision, with so many entries from talented kids, but in the end, it was the way Ruben’s creation showed the kids using teamwork to help Sammy run the race, since, silly Sammy, running is for kids!”
Registered participants may pick up their race packets at the Seal Beach Community Center, 151 Marina Dr., Seal Beach, 3-8 p.m., Friday, March 23.
The Run Seal Beach 1K, 5K and 10K race through Old Town Seal Beach takes place in two weeks, on Saturday, March 24.
The Kids’ 1K Fun Run (3-10 Years) will begin at 7:30 a.m. The 5K/10K Run (Wave Starts) will begin at 8 a.m. The 5K Walk will begin at 8:05 a.m.
For more information and to register, go to www.runsealbeach.com.
Deb Machen is secretary for Run Seal Beach.