At its Aug. 12 meeting, the Seal Beach City Council recognized the Seal Beach Lions Club for its 80th year of service to the community. The Lions Club originated in 1917 in Chicago, and 22 years later the Seal Beach Chapter formed.
The Seal Beach Lions have become engrained in Seal Beach, assisting, or leading the efforts of many of the events that have become staples of the city. Mayor Thomas Moore noted just a few, citing the Fish Fry, Easter Egg Hunt, Breakfast with Santa and the upcoming Arts & Crafts Faire on Sept. 7-8. Moore also noted groups effort to offer a graffiti removal program.
“Where there’s a need, there’s a lion,” Moore said, on behalf of the city, as a plaque was presented to Lions Club Treasurer Scott Newton, who represented the Lions in accepting the plaque.
“It has been 80 years, it feels like only 75 for me personally,” Newton said.
While Newton did acknowledge that he is a 30-year Lion, he noted that there were members in the audience who have been members for 40 years or more.
Newton said that the club stays busy nearly every week or weekend. He noted that at the club was getting ready to host a sailing for the blind event on the upcoming weekend. He also said that they hold vision screenings nearly every week. Vision service for those in need has and continues to be a many project for the Lions International.
Newton also noted that Seal Beach does not often many people who are have significant need so the Seal Beach Lions focus more on community. However, he said that many of the service projects they participate in are outside of the city.
“Some of the projects we do, we do outside in areas of significant need,” Newton said.
Organizations like the Lions work closely with the city on many of their projects, and Newton expressed their appreciation for the city’s support.
“Thank you very much for your recognition and your support for the Lions for 80 years,” Newton said.