The Friends of the Los Alamitos/Rossmoor Library are in the process of raising $100,000 for their “Community Front Porch Project,” and have raised approximately $23,000 in pledges and donations so far.
Although the county library has been renovated inside several times since it opened at its current location in 1961, the outside has remained the same.
“It’s going to improve the whole community,” said Mary Holzgang, president of the Friends of the Library.“There will be better access from the parking lot with better access for the disabled and more visibility from the front.” .
Part of the plan for the “Community Front Porch Project” is to have native, drought-resistant landscaping, amphitheatre seating and tables, increasing the current useable space by 300 percent, according to Friends of the Library Treasurer, Sandy Lamoureux.
Clear visibility, better accessibility for the disabled and elderly, and space for book sales without using the parking area will enable the Friends Bookstore to increase revenue and create a courtyard that would provide conversational and study areas.
“Adult and teen book clubs as well as tutors can use the outside, which would free up the indoors,” said Holzgang.
“Our community room is used a lot, and we are hoping this will increase the community’s use.” “BARK, our read to a dog program can also meet outside, too,” said Holzgang.
Orange County collaborated on plans with the Friends of the Library and will be doing the work, but the money must be raised upfront, according to Holzgang. No public monies will be coming from the county, and all funds are solely being raised by the Friends of the Library, a registered 501c non-profit organization. They hope through grants, donations and selling tiles and pavers to raise all the funds by next year.
The Friends of the Library is raising funds by selling walkway pavers and tiles with donor inscriptions on them that will line the walkway and a wall of the site. A donor can “Leave Your Impression on Our Front Door,” by donating $100 for a 4”X 8” walkway paver or for $250 have a wall tile of the same size. For a donation of $500, a 8-inch X 8-inch wall tile can be obtained, and a same sized tile with a graphic of a book can be obtained for a donation of $1,000.
The Friends of the Library, which has been around since the early 1980s, also supports their summer reading program, children and adult programs throughout the year, provides 1/3 of all book and magazine subscriptions, provides furniture and extra computers for the library. “The budget out of the State and County is very tight, so we supplement whatever the library needs,” said Holzgang.
“A library will always be necessary,” said Sandy Tessier of Rossmoor Women’s Club, who recently donated $5,000 towards the “Community Front Porch Project.”Books and reference magazines will never be obsolete even in this computer age,” said Holzgang.
The Friends of the Library accepted donations at the 2013 Annual Rossmoor Community Festival on Sunday at Rush Park.
They are also accepting donations at the Los Alamitos–Rossmoor Library at 12700 Montecito Rd., Seal Beach, and online at FriendsofLARLibrary.org using PayPal.
For additional information, please contact the Friends at FriendsofLARLibrary@gmail.com. Although the county library branch is logistically in Seal Beach, it serves the community of Los Alamitos, Rossmoor, Seal Beach, Leisure World and other neighboring communities.
The next Friends of the Library book sale will be May 17 and May 18 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Los Alamitos – Rossmoor Library.