Letters to the Editor: Thursday, Nov. 2, 2017

The things that make me wonder
When the big storm was raging regarding our city manager I had a conversation with my neighbor, a local councilperson. Three times during that conversation she said to me that she was, “working closely with Jill in an effort to help her find a new job so that she would not sue the city if she were terminated.” I told my councilperson that there was so much stink around Ms. Ingram, guilty or not, that it would be near to impossible for her find employment anywhere as a city manager. And now a raise approved by the City Council? I think I will ask my councilperson how she voted on that.
Tim Kraushaar

Seal Beach

Pier idea
A debate has been about having a restaurant or no restaurant at the end of the pier.  Why not a compromise: no restaurant there, but instead where the police sub-station is at the front of the pier and thus, the end of Main St. (The station seems to be doing fine at their temporary headquarters off City Hall.)

Lesli Shishim


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