Civil rights violated at Leisure World?
I read with interest Anne Walshe’s article recently; it was an eye-opener for Leisure World shareholders.
Surely, diversity of opinion is manifested, however, human and civil rights are violated. I have no problem with the previous editor, most especially when I was a director, but when another editor took over, the Golden Rain News did not publish most of my articles. I’m restricted to write only once a month.
My family, neighbors, friends and colleagues were questioning this. I reported these anomalies to both the GRF president and executive director. I was just ignored. I’m tired of emailing my articles being unpublished. Shareholders are employers of the Golden Rain Foundation as well as the rest of the employees.
As a respectable teacher, I did my best to report these human and civil rights offenses. I was a good director, I volunteered at the Engineering Department to digitize old records, was the treasurer at the Computer Lab, Social and Communication chairman of the Mutual 1 Board of Directors, Shuffleboard weekly writer and currently Publicity Chairman of the Woman’s Club. With dignity and pride, I volunteer.
Lisa A. Dickson
Leisure World
A big Thank You!
Thank you to Councilman Mike Varipapa and City Manager Jill Ingram for making it safer for pedestrians to cross at 12th Street and Pacific Coast Hwy.
By increasing the time to cross at the light to 25 seconds, it has greatly improved the safety of the crossing guard and schoolchildren.
Crossing Guard Betty, Lion Paul Cabral
and Chuck Feenstra
Visitors subjected to Bay City Center noise
Last weekend we hosted a family event with many out of town visitors staying at The Pacific Inn on Marina Drive in Seal Beach.
Unfortunately our guests were unable to get much sleep due to the rowdy behavior of groups of people at the Bay City Center.
On two consecutive nights, Thursday and Friday, they were awakened by fighting in the parking lot at the Yucatan Restaurant.
The third night, Saturday, they were awakened by fighting right in the parking lot outside their hotel room.
When they asked the people to please quiet down, they were met with an expletive-laden message that out of towners should stay out of town. Yes, “Welcome to Seal Beach!”
There was no apparent security guard on duty at the Inn, and when my niece tried to call the Seal Beach Police, no one answered the phone at the front desk of the hotel.
When she tried the outside line, all she got was a busy signal.
There should be increased police presence in this area, especially on weekend nights.
Also, the owners of the Yucatan and Glory Days need to be held accountable if they continue to sell alcohol to already intoxicated patrons.
Dean Willis
and Francine Greene
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