A fond farewell to our librarian
There are so many things that the people of Seal Beach write about regarding life in our small beachside community.
One of the best destinations in Seal Beach is just steps away from Main Street … the Mary Wilson Branch of the Orange County Public Library.
This Library has certainly done well for me and so many of the Old Town residents and visitors. But now, as with everything, change is coming to our Library.
Please join me in thanking and congratulating Ms. Beverly McCormick as she prepares to retire from her work at the library.
Bev will be wrapping up her many years of service to the patrons next week. So I urge those of you who know her and hope to wish her well to stop by over this next week to catch her before she is off to new adventures!
Her kind and smiling face and remarkable sense of fashion will be missed behind the circulation desk.
It will definitely take me some getting used to when I go into my library and she is no longer there, ready and waiting to assist.
Thank you, Beverly, for all the many years and fond memories. It was my mission to always make you laugh about something on each and every visit to the library.
I wish you many more moments of laughter and joy as you retire!
With much appreciation and gratitude for your service,
Scott Masterson
Seal Beach
Kudos to all who helped
The mayor and the rest of the City Council voted unanimously to eliminate the exterior construction of a council conference room.
This vote was taken on Tuesday evening, May 26, 2015 at the conclusion of the one-hour ìstudy sessionî regarding the chamber council remodel project.
I was so very pleased to see this outcome.
The support of my family, friends and Seventh and Eighth street neighbors meant a lot to me.
Also, the involvement and interest of The Sun newspaper, particularly the editor Ms. Redfearn, and associate editor Mr. Kelly; both played an important part in publicizing and cover this project.
Kudos to you all. I am truly thankful that our lovely city hall, a visual icon for all of us in the community, has been preserved.
Mrs. Joanie Livingston
Seal Beach
Chafes return from Fiji
We are back from Fiji.
We (Med4Fiji) completed 30 surgeries in five days.
We worked with one of the local doctors Dr. Vili, who spent a week away from his local island to learn from us.
He is one of only five Ob/Gyn physicians in Fiji that provide ALL the Ob/Gyn care to the entire country!
Our team completed the first C-section on the island of Taveuni, the baby was in fetal distress and would have died if we had not been there to do this C-section.
We also did the first laparoscopic hysterectomy in the county and helped teach new skills to the local Fijiian people.
We did surgery on a dog who lives at the hospital who suffered trauma to his eye.
I successfully started my first IV on a canine.
Our mission was a huge success and The Loloma Foundation did an incredible job putting everything together.
Thank you to all our friends, family, supporters and community for making it all possible!
We will be filling 1,600 backpacks again for the Loloma Foundation at the end of summer.
Stay tuned
Warmest regards and much appreciation,
Christina and Steve Chafe
Seal Beach
Thanks to police and Leisure World security
Recently I reported to Leisure World security manager Jaime Guerrero and a Seal Beach police officer about my stalker, who knows my bus, shop and library schedule for over two months now. I feel so unsafe; a terrible, uneasy feeling.
I was unhappy and it was ruining my day having this unwanted stalker.
Reprograming my schedule on account of this stalker was a huge mess.
My daily routine was ruined.
Seal Beach PD, and Jaime Guerrero’s advice was very relieving and helped tremendously in helping solve this crucial issue.
Aside from being constantly alert I have to call them at any given moment and that has really lightened my spirit.
I can sleep, feel safe, happy and back to my daily routine.
I deeply appreciate, am grateful and very proud of the LW and Seal Beach Police’s excellent security system.
Lisa A . Dickson
Leisure World
Farewell to the lawns
My Mom read the “Harbor Views” column regarding landscaping and the drought and was inspired to write a poem from the lawn’s point of view.
I thought The Sun’s readers would enjoy it.
Why are you killing me, asked a lawn one day
Why are you letting me down?
I was once pretty and green and now I’m an ugly brown.
I need water, I need to be fed. You are neglecting me. Even the birds who fly up above have taken pity on what they see.
A little rain is now falling, oh it feels so nice and wet
Maybe I’ll turn green again, something you won’t regret.
The rain has stopped. It said goodbye. I felt so good and now I’ll die.
By Judy Dickstein
Judy and Irene Dickstein
Great police open house
On behalf of the entire Centennial Events Organizing Committee, I would like to congratulate and thank our Police Chief Joe Stilinovich and his entire force and volunteers for everything they did with Saturday’s Centennial Seal Beach Police Department Open House.
Not only was it extremely successful with over 800+ attendees, it was most informative, interesting and well organized.
A big thank you goes out to Sgt. Ron LaVelle for his hard work in planning and organizing the event.
This was the first SBPD open house in over 20 years and not only was it very thorough and informative but it was most entertaining. A big thank you to all those that also supported the event: Seal Beach Lions, SBPD VIPS, CERTS, Explorers, Miss Seal Beach Court (who did a fantastic job as tour docents) and all the fine men and women who make our police department one of the finest and most supportive of our community in all of the area.
The complete opening and behind the scenes view of our PD was a highlight for all who attended. Thank you everyone for making this a very successful centennial event. Our COPS are TOPS!
Marc Loopesko
Seal Beach
Hooray for the Seal Beach Police Department
Saturday, May 30 was the first Open House in 25 years at their three-story, 23,000 square-foot facility.
The Police Headquarters, built in 1978, is large, clean and amazing.
This was one of the Seal Beach Centennial Events.
Chief Joe Stilinovich greeted us as we entered the lobby. We started the tour in the chief’s office and continued to the property room. There we saw badges, uniforms, log books and articles dating back to the 1900’s. There was also a display of uniforms, photos and slide videos. We saw the dispatch room where 911 calls are handled. There is also a large impressive kitchen, lockers and a workout room.
New technology used in police work is awesome.
The Seal Beach Princesses greeted our tour groups and explained each display to us.
Nice for us and good experience for them. Some officers and many volunteers helped out.
Everyone wanted to see the jail on the ground floor. The children had a chance to try some of the 30 “holding” cots.
At the end of the very interesting police building tour we were led outside for vendors, CERT, the Command Center Mobile Van and other exhibits.
The Bounce House for kids was presented by Elite Special Events. It was great to see how the trainer works with her husky “attack” dog.
A “drone” hovered overhead.
The Seal Beach Lions Club provided hot dogs and lunch, which was very much appreciated by the workers and the families enjoying the day. Those of us attending were favorably impressed.
We hope the Seal Beach Police Department will hold an Open House every year.
Ellen Brannigan
Leisure World
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