Narrowing First Street omitted from DWP report
Important information was omitted from your coverage of the DWP plan.
Seal Beach residents should be made aware that our First Street is to be narrowed (no more turning lanes at Marina Drive) so they can build eight more houses. We will be giving away our public street.
These developers paid only $4 million for the entire land. They could build 27 houses without touching our public street. Isn’t that enough of a return?
Also, we get less than the 70 percent that was already zoned open space (all to be improved at Seal Beach taxpayers expense) plus, our own First Street is included in the open space percentage!
Yes, this is a great giveaway and absolutely developer serving.
Wendi Rothman
Seal Beach
Private property owners get the shaft
I find it very hard to comprehend the discourse between all the city officials and appointed committee members.
If the demands being put upon the private property owners was taking place in Bell, or Chicago I could understand the blackmail taking place of outright theft of private property.
The city fathers try to use the high-falutin’ sounding word “mitigation,” but no matter what you call it, the fact remains, the private property owner who has a financial investment in property is being told, “if you don’t give us part of your property free, we’re not going to allow you to put your property to it’s best use.”
If that’s not blackmail, what would any honest right thinking person call it?
Especially any citizen who claims they are aware of the federal and state constitutions, and think of themselves as being democratic.
I think it’s unconscionable that here in small town Seal Beach we have officials that think its acceptable to steal private property from its rightful tax paying owners to satisfy a bunch of NIMBYS (not in my backyards) who have absolutely no financial interest in the land at question. Lord save us from the overzealous, overbearing, blackmailing politicians who if not full-fledged private property haters, or envious of anyone who dares improve property in their domain without kissing up to them first, think the federal and state constitution doesn’t apply in good old Seal Beach. But, am I being too hard on the same people who would approve planting ficus trees in downtown Seal Beach? Wrong-headed thinking goes beyond just one issue doesn’t it?
Dwayne Bruce Smith
Seal Beach
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