Seal Beach has angels
On Tuesday when Antoinette, my good friend, and I were walking toward the ocean on Seal Beach Boulevard, she collapsed. The first two cars immediately stopped to help.
In the first car, a lovely young woman offered to drive us back to my house on the hill; the man in the second car picked up Antoinette like a feather and put her gently in the front seat of the first car. After I drove Antoinette to the ER where the doctor found she needed hip surgery, I tried very hard to remember the names of the two people who came to our aid, but I couldn’t.
How much I appreciate the caring people of Seal Beach! Two of them responded immediately in a very stressful situation.
I could have written about my gratitude sooner if only I could have remembered my angels’ names. Then yesterday when I was walking, I found her: Maxine Evans walking her dog near the beach. (See the photo on the left.) I don’t know the fellow’s name; I just hope he reads this “Letter to the Editor” and lets me know who he is when he sees me walking around town because I feel that I must thank him again.
Audrey Hauth
Seal Beach
Another ‘white guy rant’
Richard Barbazette’s column hits directly at many of the problems that the United States faces. I wish that there were a ballot option of “None of the Above” where they would have to go back and start the candidate process all over, but that is not an option. That means that we are going to have to vote for someone. Not voting is the worst action as the smaller the turnout, the more likely that the election will be controlled by a small group of dedicated voters. If you do not like what is happening at local, state or federal levels, be active in the process by at least voting but also communicating with your elected officials. If they do not know what we, the public, wants, then they are free to do something else.
Alan Johnson
Seal Beach
Offended, not offended
Offended By Photo: How anyone could spin this into a racial point is evidence of some level of paranoia in my opinion.
White Guy Rant: If the person writing this is over 60 as I am, he can look in the mirror and at his friends because we let this all happen by allowing these 500 or so “leaders” to misrepresent and misappropriate our country down the road we are on now. The solution is obvious and when it happens this guy will be watching TV, not participating.
God Save America from itself!
Lowell Peterson
Los Alamitos
Also offended by picture
I read the letter to your publication (7/21/2016), written by Andrea Johnson and I am in complete agreement.
To publish a photo of this banner without any comment from the paper about the offensive statement, “Blue life matters more” is perpetuating pain and it is irresponsible of a newspaper. Especially when that statement is the only one clearly read in the photo.
It’s clear someone at your publication authorized this photo to be published. It is a troublesome comment, at the very least, in times of great suffering, confusion and downright fear for life. Why did you publish this photo without regard for all citizens? Why did you publish this photo without recognizing that comment is a continuation of the severe problems we all deal with as a society?
Seal Beach is next to one of the most diverse cities in the nation, Long Beach. Why do you not even consider the people who would be offended by this type of comment?
You are in the newspaper business. With that comes responisibility to the community you serve and to the larger society as a whole. You do not operate in a bubble.
We have a big world with many beautiful people in it. Look around you and realize we all have to help each other, not perpetuate this kind of hate.
It has to stop and as a newspaper, your publication should light that road, be a source of knowledge and quench peoples inquisitiveness. Reading a newspaper should edify us.
With the publication of this photograph, with said comment, you have done a grave disservice to the community and to society, when you were actually probably trying to connect people. But the question is, what people?
Melina Paris
Seal Beach
Regency Center is 50
The recent article on the opening of the Pilates studio in the Regency center (originally Seal Beach Center) prompted me to write this letter. It was 50 years ago this month that this shopping center had its grand opening- July 22nd through July 24th 1966. My father was one of the original tenants and for 38 years owned and operated Seal Beach Camera. Since 1966, the center has gone through many changes but it is good to see that it is still a mainstay in the community. I want to wish continued success to all the business owners who continue to make this shopping center a primary destination for the residents of Seal Beach.
Greg Crose
Garden Grove
Seaport Marina Hotel, Peters’ Landing conection?
I understand that the owner of the Seaport Marina Hotel (adjacent to Seal Beach in Long Beach) also owns and/or has interests in Peters’ Landing near the water tower.
I further understand that there may be Environmental Impact Reports (EIRs) in progress in both areas by the owner which might reveal potentially significant growth (commercial and residential), traffic, school and other impacts within these Long Beach and Orange County areas. Also impacting traffic on the access roads to Pacific Coast Highway, and PCH, itself, which are somewhat constrained at times in several areas.
If true, I believe that local planners, commercial interests, public services, and especially, residents and small business owners should be made and kept aware of these proceedings and potential impacts through your publications as well as the other legally mandated sources.
I, your readers, residents and potential visitors alike, would truly appreciate your continued coverage in this regard.
Ken Kropf
Seal Beach
Showing off our beach
Recently my nephew from England visited me and requested that I take him to Seal Beach. He was so amazed seeing a very clean and well-maintained beach. Young and old (mostly school kids) were having fun swimming and braving the incoming tides . They were very enthusiastic, energetic, and full of delightful laughter.
We enjoyed strolling by the boardwalk, watching fishermen enjoying fishing and the jolly surfers braving the waves. We picknicked under the shade with the huge crowd enjoying lunch. Summertime is surely full of fun and excitement at the beach.
I’m very proud of the well-maintained, beautiful Seal Beach. It’s a pleasure to have workers in charge of beautifying and maintaining the beauty and cleanliness of Seal Beach.
Lisa A. Dickson
Mutual 1 – Leisure World
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