Free parking on Main Street is a good thing
Let’s start with a—good for Ellery (Deaton, councilwoman for District One). I surely agree with what appears to be her stand with regard to parking meters on Main Street.
There are things that set Seal Beach apart from the other beach towns and I think free parking on Main is one of those good things. It would not matter if you put a parking structure in the lot by the fire station.
The town would still have parking issues during the summer months.
Ellery and I live just a few houses apart on Fourth Street. It is a nice wide street.
Maybe we should take a look at angle parking on one side of our wider streets as a way of relieving some of the parking issues. Even with that approach, we need to keep in mind that WE ARE A BEACH TOWN.
The day will never come, no matter what, that we will have as much parking as needed. Better we should learn to live with it.
Tim Kraushaar
Seal Beach
Coyotes are not a problem
Coyotes are not a problem and the only thing we need to do about them is learn how to coexist with them. Coyotes are a part of life in Seal Beach.
If we get rid of the coyotes there will be unwanted consequences.
They are part of our ecosystem. We invaded their space and drove them out of their homes. They have nowhere else to go. There is a lot of information online that you can use to educate yourself and others who are oblivious of the inarguable need for nature.
What is a problem in our town is the lack of maintenance. Take a walk or a ride down to the boardwalk and observe the wall between the sand and boardwalk.
The city needs to remove and rethink the tree situation on Ocean Boulevard. And what is going on with the forever empty lot on First Street? And the abandoned and run down houses in multimillion dollar neighborhoods? Stop with coyotes already! They are here. Educate yourself on how to coexist.
Chani Demello